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2034 11th Street
Portsmouth, OH, 45662
United States

(740) 353-3255

Amelia Gray is a full service cosmetic counter and skincare center. We offer a variety of services, and are best known for our cosmetic expertise and detailed brow artistry.

March/April Promotions

 Spring Savings at Amelia Gray!

$10 off Blonding!

There has never been a better time to go lighter for spring than now! Save $10 on all our blonding services for a limited time.

Click here to learn more about our salon services!


On The Blog…

“Blonding Services at Amelia Gray”

Not sure if you need a Balayage or a Highlight? Click the link to learn the differences in the the two services!

Targeted Cupping Upgrade

Are you curious about CUPPING, but have been unsure if it is right for you? Allow our Licensed Massage Therapists to show you the benefits of our popular cupping upgrade, but treating a Targeted Area of concern.

*Cannot receive if pregnant or on blood thinners.

On The Blog…

“A Massage Upgrade Everyone Can Benefit From”

Read about the benefits of Cupping!