Body Treatments — Amelia Gray Skincare & Cosmetics

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2034 11th Street
Portsmouth, OH, 45662
United States

(740) 353-3255

Amelia Gray is a full service cosmetic counter and skincare center. We offer a variety of services, and are best known for our cosmetic expertise and detailed brow artistry.


Body Treatments



Heavenly Full Body Treatment

60 minutes | $75 and up

This treatment leaves you feeling light as a cloud! A full hour of skin smoothing, exfoliating techniques, combined with gentle massage techniques, and everyone’s towels throughout! We begin with a dry brushing from head to toe (which is also your take home gift for continued results!) Dry Brushing increases cell turnover, circulation, and lymphatic drainage. Next, we apply a warmed massage oil, and massage into the skin lightly. This is followed by our Chinese Herbology exfoliant! Herbology is an amazing product that feels like a most gentle scrub, but converts to an anti-aging, Alpha Hydroxy Acid when it melts! To help this product perform at its peak, we apply steam towels to nearly every inch of you!! (Did we mention this was heavenly?) To complete your treatment, we do a second, more thorough massage, using our warmed Extremely Emollient body cream for extra love and hydration. If you are interested in even more anti-aging benefits, the V-Neck Firming Mask is a perfect upgrade! Your skin will thank us!



Back to Zen

40 minutes | $50 and up

This is also known as a facial on the flipside! Our clients love their facials so much, that they kept requesting the same great experience for their backs. We begin with a deep cleansing under steam. After removing the cleanser with a warmed steam towel, we begin an enzyme exfoliation, that will lighten, brighten, and soften the skin on your back and shoulders. Gentle extractions are performed, if needed. Who doesn’t love a good back and shoulder massage, because that’s the next phase in this luxurious skin treatment. With some amazing serums and masks, you will be ready to bare those shoulders proudly. And don’t forget to add on the Herbology Foot Exfoliation for extra TLC.