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2034 11th Street
Portsmouth, OH, 45662
United States

(740) 353-3255

Amelia Gray is a full service cosmetic counter and skincare center. We offer a variety of services, and are best known for our cosmetic expertise and detailed brow artistry.


Luminary Structured Manicure

starting at $55

Why Luminary?



The Luxury Manicure

This service includes the healthy care of our Naked Mani, with the added benefits and relaxation of a hand and arm scrub, warm towels for removal, and a hand and arm massage. *Does Not include Gel Polish but can be upgraded.

starting at $44

The Longwear Manicure

The benefits of our Naked Mani, with the extended wear of gel polish! Healthy, natural nails, with long wearing polish.

starting at $39

Soak Off/Removal

starting at $20

Full Sets + Fills


Gel X Initial Set

Starting at $65

Gel X Remove + New Set

Starting at $80



The Luxury Pedicure

Our Luxury Pedicure includes a relaxing soak in our massaging pedicure chair, nail clean up and prep, a foot and calf exfoliation and removal with warm towels, and a lower leg and foot massage. Includes regular polish of choice *Gel Polish can be upgraded

starting at $55

The Longwear Luxury Pedicure

Our Longwear Luxury Pedicure allows you to enjoy the benefits of our Luxury Pedi, with a Longwear Gel Polish. It includes a nail and cuticle clean up, after a luxurious soak, scrub, and foot massage and Gel Polish of choice.

starting at $65

The Express Pedicure

If you are looking for a quicker refresh for your feet, while still enjoying a seat in a fabulous massage chair, this is the service for you. This pedi keeps nails clean and includes regular polish of choice. *Gel Polish or Massage can be upgraded.

starting at $35

Want to add nail art to your next appointment?

Click HERE to view our nail art tiers!


Gel Polish Upgrade


Hand + Arm Renewal


Eco-Fin Upgrade
