Book Online — Amelia Gray Skincare & Cosmetics

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2034 11th Street
Portsmouth, OH, 45662
United States

(740) 353-3255

Amelia Gray is a full service cosmetic counter and skincare center. We offer a variety of services, and are best known for our cosmetic expertise and detailed brow artistry.


Book Online


Book Online

Thank you for choosing Amelia Gray for your beauty needs!

A few things to know before scheduling online:

  • A 30% deposit will be collected securely to reserve your appointment. This deposit will be applied at checkout, after your scheduled appointment.

  • Should you need to cancel, please do so with more than 24-hour notice, or Amelia Gray will retain the 30% deposit for your service provider’s wages for their lost time. Deposit refunds can be given if there is more than 24-hour notice, by a member of our Management Team.

  • Need to reschedule with more than 24-hour notice? Call, text or email, and we will move the appointment and the deposit for you.

  • Please note that our online schedule shows only available appointments for the upcoming 6 weeks. Can’t find what you are looking for? Feel free to call our Guest Expert team during business hours, where they can review the schedules or add you to our automated waitlist for cancellations.

  • We know that choosing the correct hair service can be tricky with an online menu. Feel free to visit our New Hair Guest page, where you can find inspiration, answers, and our virtual consultation link.

  • Still have questions? Simply call 740-353-3255 or submit a booking request.

 We look forward to seeing you soon!