Contact Us

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2034 11th Street
Portsmouth, OH, 45662
United States

(740) 353-3255

Amelia Gray is a full service cosmetic counter and skincare center. We offer a variety of services, and are best known for our cosmetic expertise and detailed brow artistry.

Price Menu

Price Menu

At Amelia Gray we never want our guests to be surprised at the end of their appointment. We want you to feel completely relaxed during your visit and not be worried about how much it will cost you. For that reason, all of our pricing for hair services is listed below for your convenience and peace of mind.



Mini Highlight | $65+

Partial Highlight | $90+

Full Highlight | $135+

Luxury Highlight | $160+

Balayage $135+

Highlight Package | $149


Color Retouch | $63+

All Over Color | $80+

Gloss | $55+


Cut + Style | $30+

Men’s Cut* | $22+

*with select providers


Signature Blowout | $40+

Luxury Blowout | $55+

Scalp Facial | $60+

Dry Thermal Style | $30+

Keratin Smoothing Treatment* | $200+

*with select providers


Hydration Treatment | $10

Scalp Massage | $10

Volume Treatment | $15

Blowout Style Add-On | $20

Strengthening Acidic Bonding Treatment | $20

Because our service providers work on a level system, we have price ranges for every service. If you have questions about what level your particular service provider is, please feel free to ask! Click here to learn more about our level system.


Need an appointment?

Click here to conveniently schedule online.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Need a Consultation?

Not sure which service is right for you? We offer FREE virtual consultations with our stylists!

Click here to get started.